• Saving Articles to MapPost on the Chrome Desktop Browser

    Watch the video  or see step-by-step screenshots below

  • Browse an article of interest.
  • 1. Highlight the location name you’d like to save.
  • Now, you have 2 options for proceeding from here. Both options work well. Pick one. Your choice.


    2a. Click the MapPost browser extension button in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser.

  • Or,

    2b. 'Right Click' ('Control Click' on a Mac) on the browser window to display an extension pop-up. Then click the 'Save to MapPost' option in the pop-up.

  • 3. Select your desired location from the list. If you don’t see your desired location in the shown list (the full list may be truncated), enter a 'partial' Address (such as Street Name, City, State or Country), to narrow down the list of potential locations. Then select the correct location.
  • 4. Click 'Save' to save the article and location in MapPost.
  • Your article and destination are now available in MapPost.
  • Alternatively, there is a third option for saving a location and article to MapPost. While browsing an article, you can click on the MapPost browser extension in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser WITHOUT highlighting any location name. Then type in the name (and partial address, if necessary) of the location you’d like to save where it indicates 'Enter place name …', select the correct location, and click on the 'Save' button.